
home » Cutback Bitumen Medium Curing (MC)

write in 11 June 2022

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What is Cutback Bitumen or Bitumen Medium Cutting?

(Liquid Bitumen) is Bitumen that is dissolved in a solvent. Typical solvents include Naphtha, gasoline and kerosene, white spirit etc. The type of solvent controls the curing time while the amount determines the viscosity of the Cutback Bitumen. The advantage Cutbacks have over Emulsions is a much higher residual Bitumen percent, typically over 80% compares with over 40-65% for Bitumen emulsions. The result is more Bitumen left on the roadway after curing, for the same volume of binder applied.

Environmental regulations. Cutback asphalts contain volatile chemicals that evaporate into the atmosphere. Emulsified asphalts evaporate water into the atmosphere.
Loss of high energy products. The petroleum solvents used require higher amounts of energy to manufacture and are expensive compared to the water and emulsifying agents used in emulsified asphalts.

MC grades cutback asphalt is simply a combination of asphalt cement and petroleum solvent. Like emulsions, cutbacks are used because they reduce asphalt viscosity for lower temperature uses (tack coats, fog seals, slurry seals, stabilization material). Similar to emulsified asphalts, after cutback asphalt is applied the petroleum solvent evaporates, leaving behind an asphalt cement residue on the surface to which it was applied. The use of cutback asphalts is decreasing because of:

Environmental regulations. Cutback asphalts contain volatile chemicals that evaporate into the atmosphere. Emulsified asphalts evaporate water into the atmosphere.
Loss of high energy products. The petroleum solvents used require higher amounts of energy to manufacture and are expensive compared to the water and emulsifying agents used in emulsified asphalts.

Bitumen MC30?

In many places, cutback asphalt use is restricted to patching materials for use in cold weather cutback MC-30 is medium curing (MC) cutback asphalt consisting of penetration grade asphalt cement and diluent or cutter of medium volatility. The diluent temporarily reduces the viscosity of the asphalt cement for ease of handling and application. After application the diluent evaporates, leaving the asphalt cement to perform its function Petrochemical Trade Cutback MC-30 conforms to the specifications of ASTM D2127 (Medium-Curing Asphalt) or AASHTO M82The major use for Petrochemical Trade Cutback MC-30 is in the road maintenance industry where it is used as a prime coat on the base course prior to placing of the bituminous surface course. Its purpose is to bind the granular material of the base course to the asphalt layer. Usual application is by spray, using a distributor.

Analysis-Properties of Bitumen MC30:

What is Cutback bitumen MC70

Cutback MC-70 is medium curing (MC) cutback asphalt consisting of penetration grade asphalt cement and diluent or cutter of medium volatility. The diluent temporarily reduces the viscosity of the asphalt cement for ease of handling and application. After application the diluent evaporates, leaving the asphalt cement to perform its function. Petrochemical Trade Cutback MC-70 conforms to the specifications of ASTM D2127 (Medium-Curing Asphalt) or AASHTO M82a) Roofing – As a waterproofing membrane and as an adhesive to stick chippings onto a flat, horizontal roof to minimize the effects of weathering from the sun.

Damp-Proof Courses – Used as damp-proof membranes in concrete floors, particularly for small repairs or where extensions are keyed-in to existing structures.

Analysis of Bitumen MC70:

What is Cutback bitumen MC250

Cutback MC-250 is medium curing (MC) cutback asphalt consisting of penetration grade asphalt cement and diluent or cutter of medium volatility. The diluent temporarily reduces the viscosity of the asphalt cement for ease of handling and application. After application the diluent evaporates, leaving the asphalt cement to perform its function. Petrochemical Trade Cutback MC-250 conforms to the specifications of ASTM D2127 (Medium-Curing Asphalt) or AASHTO M82a) Roofing – As a waterproofing membrane and as an adhesive to stick chippings onto a flat, horizontal roof to minimize the effects of weathering from the sun.
b) Damp-Proof Courses – Used as damp-proof membranes in concrete floors, particularly for small repairs or where extensions are keyed-in to existing structures.

Analysis of Bitumen MC250:

What is Cutback bitumen MC800

Cutback MC-800 is a medium curing (MC) cut-back asphalt consisting of penetration grade asphalt cement and diluent or cutter of medium volatility.
The diluent temporarily reduces the viscosity of the asphalt cement for ease of handling and application. After application the diluent evaporates, leaving the asphalt cement to perform its function.
Petrochemical Trade Cutback <a href=”” style=”box-sizing: border-box; color: rgb(7, 25, 105); text-decoration-line: none;”>MC-800</a> conforms to the specifications of ASTM D2127 (Medium-Curing Asphalt) or AASHTO M82a) Roofing – As a waterproofing membrane and as an adhesive to stick chippings onto a flat, horizontal roof to minimize the effects of weathering from the sun.
b) Damp-Proof Courses – Used as damp-proof membranes in concrete floors, particularly for small repairs or where extensions are keyed-in to existing structures.</span></span></p>

Analysis of Bitumen MC800:



What is Cutback bitumen MC3000:

Cutback MC-3000 is a medium curing (MC) cutback asphalt consisting of penetration grade asphalt cement and diluent or cutter of medium volatility.
The diluent temporarily reduces the viscosity of the asphalt cement for ease of handling and application. After application the diluent evaporates, leaving asphalt
Cement to perform its function.
Petrochemical Trade Cutback  conforms to the specifications of ASTM D2127 (Medium-Curing Asphalt) or AASHTO M82a) Roofing – As a waterproofing membrane and as an adhesive to stick chippings onto a flat, horizontal roof to minimize the effects of weathering from the sun.
b) Damp-Proof Courses – Used as damp-proof membranes in concrete floors, particularly for small repairs or where extensions are keyed-in to existing structures.
The specification for Rapid Curing (RC) Cutback Asphalts applies to liquid asphaltic materials in the form of asphalt cement combined with a petroleum solvent of a gasoline type. RC Cutback Asphalts are specified by the following grades: RC-70, RC-250, and RC-800.Rapid Curing Cutback Asphalt shall consist of asphalt cement which has been liquefied by blending with a gasoline type of petroleum solvent.

Analysis of Bitumen MC3000:



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